Cuts of Chicken

Catering Meat Suppliers Guide: Chicken

15th September 2022

It feels like a while since our last addition to the catering meat suppliers guide. In fact, it was all the way back in January when we last touched on the apparent excellence of pork. After such a notable absence, we thought it was about time to reignite the interest in our meat lovers all encompassing guide.  

With so many premium and high quality cuts of meat, it can sometimes be difficult to only talk about one meat at a time. But that is what we will do here. 

With summer soon over and autumn very much on the way, there is no obvious choice when it comes to meats to spotlight in the catering meat suppliers guide. This is why we have decided to focus on a meat that is brilliant to enjoy pretty much year round. By this, we are of course referring to fantastic chicken. So, let’s take a look at some of the amazing cuts of chicken you can enjoy. 

Chicken Breast

We have decided to start with one of, if not the most iconic cuts of chicken. If a butcher or establishment offers chicken, the chances are they will offer some form of chicken breast. 

Typically, the cut of chicken breast is lean and has more protein than other popular poultry cuts. This makes it the go to choice for bodybuilders and people looking to lose weight. Accompanying the surprising health benefits is the fact that chicken breasts does not comprise when it comes to flavour and diverse texture. 

Chicken Drumsticks

What is not to love about chicken drumstick? The drumstick is famously enjoyed as part of a summer barbecue or picnic. This is because the cut lends itself perfectly to being eaten on the go or in an outside environment.  

Drumsticks are usually bursting with flavour and will have you chewing every bit of meat right down to the bone. Drumsticks are an essential part of any outdoor summer event. Just remember to use a toothpick to get all of that excess chicken out of your teeth when you are done. We know there might be a lot as we are sure you will not be able to stop at one.

Chicken Wings

From one piece of chicken which is typically enjoyed munched on with your bare hands at a barbecue to another. Chicken wings are one of the most popular cuts of chicken. While chicken wings are not one of the more famous offerings from wholesale butchers, they are usually available pretty much country wide. 

Chicken wings are usually garnished with many different unique flavourings. This helps to make the cut more unique and more widely enjoyed. From hot and spicy to barbecue, the chances are, there will be a flavour of chicken wings to suit you. 


Taken from the lower back of the chicken, a chicken thigh is a must of any wholesale butchers pallet. This popular dark meat is famous for its quintessential strong chicken flavour as well as its un-forgetful tenderness. 

When a cut of chicken is famous for its exceptional flavour, you know you have a brilliant cut on your hands. 

We Supply High Quality Cuts of Chicken

At the Catering Butcher, we supply premium quality cuts of chicken as well as many other exceptional meat types. We are a highly regarded wholesale butchers who pride ourselves on providing you with only the finest quality meat produce. If you are looking for more information about us and how we serve the catering meat suppliers industry, why not check out our social media and our blog